Friday 31 July 2015

AICPIN for the month of June 2015 – Expected DA July 2015 finalized

AICPIN for the month of June 2015 – Expected DA July 2015 finalized

No.5/1/2015- CPI
DATED : 31st JuIy, 2015
Press Release

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-I W) – June, 2015

The All-India CPI-IW for June, 2015 increased by 3 points and pegged at 261 (two hundred and sixty one). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by (+) 1.16 per cent between May, 2015 and June, 2015 when compared with the increase of (4) 0.82 per cent between the same two months a year ago.

The maximum upward pressure to the change in current index came from Food group contributing (+) 2.35 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Arhar Dal, Gram Dal, Masur Dal, Urd Dal, Groundnut Oil, Mustard Oil, Fish Fresh, Eggs (Hen), Poultry (Chicken), Milk (Buffalo & Cow), Onion, Chillies Green, Ginger, Vegetable items, Petrol, etc. are responsible for the increase In index. However, this increase was restricted by Rice, Mango, Lemon, Sugar, Electricity Charges, etc., putting downward pressure on the index.

The year-on-year inflation measured by monthly CPI-IW stood at 6.10 per cent for June, 2015 as compared to 5.74 per cent for the previous month and 6.49 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, the Food inflation stood at 6.67 per cent against 5.99 per cent of the previous month and 5.88 per cent during the corresponding month or the previous year.

At centre level, Quilon reported the highest increase of 15 points followed by Godavarikhani (9 points) and Raniganj (7 points). Among others, 6 points inclease was observed in 4 centres, 5 points in 9 centres, 4 points in Il cenlres, 3 points in 8 centres, 2 points in 15 centres and 1 point in 11 centres. On the contrary, Ghaziabad centres recorded a maximum decrease of 2 points. Among others, I point decrease was observed in 6 centres. Rest of the 10 centres’ indices remained stationary.

The indices of 35 centres are above All India Index and other 42 centres’ indices are below national average. The index of Lucknow is at par with all-India index.

The next index of CPI-IW for the month of July, 2015 will be released on Monday, 31st August, 2015. The same will also be available on the office website



Friday, July 31, 2015

Fix minimum wage with provisions of indexation – Item No.5 Charter of Demands

Charter of Demands and Explanatory Notes – All India Strike on 2.9.2015

Fix minimum wage with provisions of indexation – Item No.5 Charter of Demands

Item No.5 : Fix minimum wage with provisions of indexation.
(i) Effect wage revision of the Central Government Employees from 01.01.2014 accepting memorandum of the staff side JCM; ensure 5-year wage revision in future; grant interim relief and merger of 100% of DA; Include Gramin Dak Sevaks within the ambit of 7th CPC. Settle all anomalies of 6th CPC.

The 7th CPC was set up in 2013 by the then Government consequent upon the continuous struggles undertaken by the Central Government under the leadership of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers. Under its banner various struggles were carried out from December, 2010 till the announcement of the setting up of the 7th CPC. During this period, the Confederation organized one day strike on 12th December, 2012 and again two day strike action on12th and 13th February, 2014. As per the terms of reference, the Commission is to submit its report within 18 months. If they abide by the stipulated time frame, its report must be available by the end of August, 2015. In this context, the formulation made before the Commission untidily by all organizations of the Central Government, especially those participating in the National negotiating forum of JCM is worth reproducing.

All previous Pay Commissions were of the opinion that wages cannot be determined on any single principle but has to be based upon a combination of all the enunciated principles or those principles are to be factored into the process of quantification. Since the Government as an employer had not been able to grant the need based minimum wage to its own employees till date we are of the opinion that the 7th CPC must endeavour to compute the wage structure on 15th ILC norms. We suggested two other principles to be factored in to the quantification of pay beyond the minimum level. We enumerate hereunder the factors to be taken into account:

1) The Need-Based Minimum Wage concept to compute pay at the minimum level.

2) The intrinsic value of the job content of each grade and post at the intermediary level to be assessed by an expert committee. Pending finalization of such a study, the Commission may maintain the presently existing vertical and horizontal relativities.

3) To take into account the outside rates to determine the pay package at senior levels of bureaucracy but maintain the ratio between the minimum and maximum at 1 : 8 (MTS: Secretary to Govt. of India).

We make the above suggestion, being just and reasonable on the following grounds: 1. The Fair Wage Committee has held that an industry which is incapable of paying minimum wage has no justify to exist.

2. 86% of Central Government Employees are industrial or operational workers.

3. The need based minimum wage concept formulated by Dr. Aykhroyd and approved by 15 ILC was considered the most important principle in computing salary of Government employment especially of those lower level functionaries, by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th CPC.

4. It is only the fear of a heavy financial implication and the incapacity of the Indian economy at the relevant point of time, to meet the extra expenses the 2nd, 3rd and 4th CPCs were constrained to alter the formula itself with the opinion of certain nutritional experts. The legitimacy provided to Dr. Aykhroyd formula by the 15th ILC (in which the representative of Labour, Employers and Government participated) was not available for any other conceptual frame work proposed by any other “experts”. The 4th Pay Commission cited the per capita net national product increase over the years to justify lower minimum wage than what could have been as per the ILC norms. It could be seen that the earlier Pay Commissions had adopted a different principle other than the Dr. Aykhroyd formula due to financial constraints.

5. Despite elaborately detailing the concept of living wage and the amendment to the preamble of the Indian Constitution, the 4th CPC stated that the per capita net national income increase if factored would not allow them to fix the minimum wage at a higher level than Rs.750/-.

6. Even though no specific reference on the adoption of the concept of need based minimum wage was made by the Government, the 5th CPC did dwell upon it. They advocated that the 25% addition suggested by the Supreme Court to enable the worker to meet the expenses, viz., children education, medical requirements, social obligation connected with festivals, marriages, etc. must be added to arrive at the minimum wage. However, they computed the minimum wage discarding the same principle but made the percentage increase of the per capita net national product over a period of ten years as the base (or the constant relative income criterion as the most equitable norm). In order to arrive at the minimum pay, the Commission added 30.9% over the emoluments of a lowest paid employee as on 1.1.1996.

7. The 6th CPC adopted the 15th ILC norms to compute the minimum wage but made several changes to the concept Viz., the retail prices of the commodities, which goes into the reckoning was altered; the stipulated 10% for housing and 25% for social obligations, medical, children education, etc. were discarded on the plea that separate allowances had been granted. Dr. Aykhroyd had factored 7.5% as housing component in the computation of minimum wage. The question of incorporating the cost of requirement for medical, education and other social obligation was the subject matter of litigation before the Supreme Court. The Hon’ble Court directed that 25% of the minimum wage so computed must be added as a factor for the above requirement of a worker, which had not been taken into account by the ILC norms.

The contention of the 6th CPC that since children education allowance, Medical and house rent allowances are specially granted to the Central Govt. employees, the same must be taken out of the reckoning is not only wrong but also amounts to contradiction of a stand taken by the Highest judiciary of the country- Supreme Court. The 6th CPC has failed to take note of the fact that the allowances, be it HRA, Children Education allowance or Medial, granted are awfully insufficient to meet the requisite expenses. Had it not been the case, the 3rd CPC also ought to have taken the similar stand adopted by the 6th CPC. The computation appearing in page No. 60, Chapter 6 (3rd CPC report) establishes our view in the matter.

We have given in Table (.5.1..) the computation of minimum wage as per 15th ILC norms. The retail prices of the commodities/articles are the average of the retail prices ruling as on 1.1.2011 at the following cities: 1. New Delhi,2 Mumbai, 3. Chennai, 4. Kolkata, 5 Hyderabad, 6. Bhubaneswar, 7. Thiruvananthapuram, 8. Bangalore.

The minimum wage as per our computation works out to Rs.20,856/-. This must be the minimum wage for the unskilled worker as per the ILC norms. In Central Government employment presently there is no unskilled labour. The lowest level of employment is multiskilled worker/employees. The minimum educational qualification prescribed is either ITI or matriculation (10th Standard). The percentage increase of the wages of a skilled worker to that of an unskilled worker on an average had been more than 25% all throughout. We have therefore added 25% to arrive at the minimum pay for the lowest employee in Government service, which comes to Rs. 26,071/- , i.e. Rs. 26,000/- when rounded off.

7th cpc report
Incidentally, we may mention that the minimum wages at the level of an unskilled worker as per recent wage agreement in Coal India Ltd. Is Rs.29697/-. The per-capita Net National Product increase at factor cost between – (2004-05 – 2011-12) years as per the Economic Survey for 2012-13 presented to Parliament is 57.55..%. This, if applied to the present wage at the lowest level shall work out to Rs.22857/-. For the reasons stated in the preceding paragraphs and more specifically for the reason that the Government has presently the capacity to pay as detailed in this memorandum, we request the 7th CPC to recommend the minimum pay to be assigned to the lowest level of Group C functionary in Government of India service at Rs. 26,000/-.

Another important issue, we took with the Government was the inclusion of the Grameen Dak Sewaks of the Postal Department within the ambit of the consideration of the 7th CPC. The Government did not concede our demand. The Postal Department had been objecting to this demand consistently on the plea that the Grameen Dak Sewaks were not civil servants. They had, therefore, resorted to setting up separate committees to consider the service conditions and wage rise of the Extra Departmental Agents, or Grameen Dak Sewaks. It must be stated with some satisfaction that during the negotiation that took place with the organizations of the Postal employees on the eve of the commencement of the indefinite strike action, the Postal Department had to agree to recommend the acceptance of this demand to the Government, though belatedly.

Despite the said belated suggestion made by the Postal authorities, there had been no positive response from the Government of India till date with the result the GDS, a significant segment of the Postal Department will be denied the wage revision along with the other Central Government employees, if immediate steps are not taken by the Government to ask the Commission to consider their case within a stipulated time. We give hereunder the reasons we have advanced for inclusion of GDS within the purview of the 7th CPC.

Grameen Dak Sewaks constitutes the single largest chunk of the postal workforce. Without them perhaps the rural postal system in the country will break down. The dedicated service of the Grameen Dak Sewaks keeps the postal department operational throughout the year.The system of Extra Departmental Agency was introduced by the colonial British rulers to reduce the running expenses of the postal system in the country. The exploitative system continued even after independence. By excluding the Gramin Dak Sewaks from the purview of inquiry of the Pay Commission, the Government wanted the system to continue as a means to reduce the running expenses of the Postal Department. The exclusion is sought to be made on the specious plea that the GDS are not Civil Servants.

The Government’s contention on this score had been the subject matter of judicial scrutiny. The Honourable Supreme Court has held that the Extra Departmental Agents are holders of Civil post. The 4th Central Pay Commission also held the same view and asserted that their service conditions must be inquired into by the Pay Commission. However, when the 5th CPC is constituted, Government set up a Committee under Justice Talwar to look into their case. The Government did not implement many of the recommendations of the Talwar Committee. It is in this context we plead that the Gramin Dak Sewaks must be brought within the purview of the 7th Central Pay Commission and justice rendered to them.

Source: Confederation

Thursday 30 July 2015

Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station/ headquarters for going abroad while on leave.

F. No. 11013/8/2015-Estt.A-111
Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training (Establishment Division)
 North Block, New Delhi - 110001
 Dated July 27th, 2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM 1. No. 11013/7/2004-
 Estt.(A) dt the 1" September, 2008 2. No. 11013/7/2004- Estt.(A) dt the 15t, December, 2004
 3. No. 11013/8/2000- Estt(A) dt the 7th November, 2000 4. No. 11013/7/94- Estt.(A) dt the 18th May, 1994 Subject: Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station/ headquarters for going abroad while on leave. Undersigned is directed to refer to the Office Memorandum mentioned in the margin and to say that as per the existing instructions, when Government servant applies for leave for going abroad on a private visit, separately prior permission of the Competent authority for such visit is also required. While granting such permission, many factors are required to be kept in view. For example, permission may be denied in the interest of security. Individuals facing investigation/inquiry on serious charges, who may try to evade apprehension by police authorities, or facing the inquiry, may also not be permitted to leave the country. On the other hand, it is also desirable that requests of Government servants for such permission are dealt with expeditiously. 2. Keeping the above in view, it has been decided that requests for permission for private visits abroad may be processed in the attached formats. As clarified vide the OM dated 1st September, 2008, the competent authority for granting permission will be as per instructions issued by the Cadre Authority/administrative Ministry/Department. In the absence of any such instructions, it is the leave sanctioning authority. In case due to specific nature of work in a Department, administrative exigencies, or some adverse factors against the Government servant etc., it is not expedient to grant permission to the Government servant, such decision for refusal should not be taken below the level of Head of Department. It may be ensure,: that the decisions are conveyed to the Government servants within 21 days of receipt of complete application to the competent authority. Any lacunae in the application should be brought to the notice of the Government servant within one week of the receipt of the application. In the event of failure on the part of the competent authority to communicate its decision to the Government employee concerned with 21 days of receipt of the application, the employee concerned shall be free to assume that permission has been granted to him. 3. If in case some modifications are considered necessary due to specialised nature of work handled by any organisation, changes may be made with the approval of this Department. (MP Rama Rao) Under Secretary to the Government of India To The Secretaries of All Ministries/Departments (as per the standard list) Contd 2/- -2- No. 11013/8/ 2015-Estt.A-Ill dated 27.07.2015
Copy to: 1. President's Secretariat, New Delhi.
2. Vice-President's Secretariat, New Delhi.
3. The Prime Minister's Office, New Delhi.
 4. Cabinet Secretariat, New Delhi.
 S. Rajya Sabha Secretariat/Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi.
6. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi.
 7. The Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi.
 8. The Secretary, Staff Selection Commission, New Delhi.
 9. All attached offices under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.
10. National Commission for Scheduled Castes, New Delhi.
11. National Commission for Scheduled Tribes, New Delhi.
12. National Commission for OBCs, New Delhi. 13. Secretary, National Council (JCM),
13, Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi.
14. CVOs of all Ministries/Departments.
 15. ADG (M&C), Press Information Bureau, DoP&T NIC, Department of Personnel & Training, North Block, New Delhi (for uploading the same on the website of this Ministry under the Head OMs & Orders—.Establishment- ► CCS (Conduct Rules) 17. Hindi Section, Dona (M. P. Rama Rao) 

The 7th Pay Commission is likely to raise the salaries of government employees by up to 40 per cent, said Neelkanth Mishra, India equity strategist of Credit Suisse. The Pay Commission will submit its recommendations in October and it will be implemented by next year.

"As the Pay Commission numbers come through there could be a 30-40 per cent increase for each individual. It won't be as big as last time because it was driven by a lot of arrears but definitely a large number of government employees will come into the pay bracket which can afford to have, for example, four-wheelers," he said in an interview with NDTV. (Watch the full interview)

Credit Suisse says about one-third of India's middle class is employed by the government and as the 7th Pay Commission comes through, there will be an improvement in discretionary spending.

"In Tier 3, Tier 4 towns where government employees are 50-60 per cent of the middle class, it is very likely that real estate markets will take off again," Mr Mishra said.

Once the Pay Commission submits its recommendations in October, it will take 3-6 months for the Centre and the states to announce its implementation, Credit Suisse said.

Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh have already indicated that they are going to implement the 7th Pay Commission recommendations from January 1, 2016, he said.

As clarity emerges on the 7th Pay Commission, consumption will see an uptick and that could act as a stimulus to the economy, the brokerage said.

However, Mr Mishra struck a note of caution. "Clearly if you see a third or 35 per cent of your middle class getting a 40 per cent or 30 per cent jump in compensation in one shot, the fears of inflation will rise." Expectations of rate cuts can get pushed out and some possible fiscal pressures can emerge, he warned.


Thursday, July 30, 2015



          During the one year period of BJP Government, it may be clearly felt that this Government has betrayed and cheated the workers and worked against them curtailing  their trade union rights, wages and social security’s which were earned through sustained struggles and sacrifices by them. Every action of Government is pro capitalists, pro employers. Large scale amendments in labour laws are aimed to benefit industrialists/employers to give them free hand to retrench/lay off workers, declare closure/shutdown of establishment and resort to mass scale contractorization.

            The main object of these changes is to do away with whatever minimal protection the workers are having under present labour laws despite their large scale violations in connivance with the state Governments. The present Central  Government  does not  want to implement the consensus recommendations of 43rd, 44th and 45thIndian Labour  Conferences of formulation of minimum wages, same  wage and  benefits as regular workers for the contract  workers and granting  status of workers with attendant benefits to those employed in various Central Government schemes like Anganwadi, Midday Meal, ASHA, Para Teachers etc. On the contrary the Government drastically curtailed budget allocations to all those centrally sponsored schemes meant for poor people’s welfare.

            Beside these labour laws the Central Government is also doing away the workers from social security schemes like, EPF and ESI making them a optional aiming to dismantle the basic social security cover available to organized sector.
            The Government has not taken any concrete measures to curb price rise of essential commodities. On universal public distribution system, the Government is trying to scuttle it through Direct Benefit transfer scheme resulting further squeeze on the common people,
            After coming in Power this Government declared total Ban on recruitment in all Central Government Services causing large scale unemployment. 100% FDI in Railways, the biggest establishment of Central Government has been declared and further projects will be launched on PPP Model. Bigger and important stations will be given to private  parties to develop and take  users charges causing more burden on common man.49% FDI  has also been declared in Defence and 41 Ordnance Factories  will be privatized resulting more contractorization  of labour . Disinvestment has already been started in C.P.S.U.S. like Coal India Ltd., NTPC and NHPC etc. Plan to corporatize Ports is also in pipeline.

            Whatever promises were made by Modiji during election campaign. On all of those this Government has taken U turn. Not a single promise is being fulfilled. Land acquisition act is also being amended which will be against the interests of Farmers. No reasonable minimum support price for the agriculture products and nothing to compensate the loss of crops caused due to natural calamities.

            In Central Services the New Pension Scheme  was introduced  during the previous NDA Government and now this Government  also does not agree to replace it by Defined benefit Pension Scheme causing more miseries to the working people,

            The demands of Central Government Employees for grant of DA Merger, Interim Relief and date of effect of 7thCPC recommendations from 01.01.2014 has also been rejected.

            In Postal Department, Government is moving ahead to corporatize various services based on the recommendations of Task Force Committee headed by T.S.R Subramanian. The Department of Posts and Government of India has still not taken any decision to include G.D.S. in 7th CPC. The agreement and assurances made by the Postal Board during the course of negotiations on PJCA Strike Charter of Demands are not being implemented.

            So keeping all the facts in mind and in pursuance of decision taken by All Central Trade Unions to go on ONE DAY STRIKE on 2nd September-2015 , the National Executive of Confederation and Federal Secretariat of NFPE  have  also endorsed the decision to resist the onslaughts on working class in the wake of neo-liberal Economic Policies by participating in the strike.

            NFPE appeals to all the affiliates and entire rank and file to make maximum efforts for the grand success of ONE DAY 2nd September-2015 Strike and defeat Anti People, Anti Working Class Policies of Government of India.



Tuesday 28 July 2015



There will be a single objective type exam for both the posts followed by  typing test for Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant Examination 2015.

sections     reasoning     maths   english    general awareness 
no of 
questions       50             50        50                 50

there will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

General Intelligence/reasoning
Semantic Analogy, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Drawing inferences, Figural Analogy, Punched hole/pattern-folding & unfolding, Semantic Classification, Figural Pattern – folding and completion, Symbolic/Number Classification, Indexing, Figural Classification, Address matching, Semantic Series, Data and City matching,Number Series, Classification of centre codes/roll numbers, Figural Series, Small & Capital Letters/number-coding, decoding and classification, Problem Solving, Embedded figures, Word Building, Critical Thinking, Coding and de-coding, Emotional Intelligence, Numerical operations, Social Intelligence, Symbolic operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Other sub-topics, if any.

English Language :
Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage.
Numerical Aptitude:

Number Systems: Computation of Whole Number, Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers.
Fundamental arithmetical operations: Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance,Time and work.
Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra (and their simple applications),Elementary surds (simple problems), Graphs of Linear Equations.
Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres viz. Centroid, In-centre, Orthocentre, Circumcentre, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles.
Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons (sum of the internal angles of a polygon), Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base.
Trigonometry (for acute angles 0 with 0≤0≤90), Trigonometric ratios, Degree and Radian Measures Standard Identities, Complementary Angles, Heights and Distances (simple problems only)
Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygen, Bar-diagram, Pic-chart.

General Awareness:
Questions are designed to test the ability of the candidate‟s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture Geography, Economic Scene, General policy and scientific research.


Follow these steps:
  1. Gather syllabus for the exam and plan accordingly. find your strong points and sharp them.
  2. After the syllabus collect all the required study material.
  3. Follow a routine (means you have to study daily)  don't follow a time table it will hard to follow just make sure you cover all the topics in due time.
  4. 3-4 months approx are enough to prepare.
  5. Try to make your own shortcuts.
  6. Practice papers (the most important)you have to beat the time there and for this you should increase your speed.   I advise you to have some practice papers which is available easily on market.
  7.  Don't focus on single subject only you have to prepare all of four subjects   try to study atleast two of them daily.
  8. Please do not buy any single book which covers all the four sections of exam have separate books and  separate study material for each section.

MATHS  ---          M. TYRA
G.K.        -----        LUCENT'S

Thanks to

   India sheds a tear for `people`s president` APJ Abdul Kalam:

7-Day Mourning Declared

No Holiday for Union Govt Schools, Offices

New Delhi: The office of the President of India had assumed a new meaning in the hearts of billions of Indians from year 2002 to 2007 – the Kalam years at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Kalam was the people's president. His endearing nature and undying commitment to see India progress and prosper had turned him into one of the most popular personalities of our times.

One of his biggest passion was to interact with students to instil in them a fire to succeed in life. His personal life story starting from a poverty-ridden childhood, to a struggle to get education, and his contribution to India's missile technology was and will always remain a source of inspiration for the country.

Dr Kalam was as well versed with the Koran as he was with the Bhagvad Gita – a secular Indian in the true sense. The common man of India is in grief today.

Social Media Abuzz With Rumors, 

No Holiday For Schools, Colleges On Tuesday

In view of former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s sudden death on Monday, Social media is abuzz with the rumors of government order for schools to be closed on Tuesday as mark of respect. Many schools have already sent advisory that the school would remain closed on Tuesday, but there was no official declaration of any holiday by the Union government. Karnataka was among the first states to declare a holiday tomorrow for all schools and government offices, where Dr Kalam was a resident throughout his 40-years career as a DRDO scientist and holds special image among the science fraternity. 

No state holiday for schools, colleges today, 
says Maharashtra education minister Vinod Tawde

Maharashtra education minister Vinod Tawde has said that the union government has confirmed that there will be no state holiday for schools and colleges on Tuesday, following the death of ex-President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.  

The government has declared a national mourning period of 7 days, Union Home Secretary LC Goyal had earlier said.

This is a drastic departure from convention. Protocol allows for 7 days mourning only in the event of death of a sitting President. The government's declaration therefore speaks of the standing of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam in the minds of the people as well as in political circles.

7-Day Mourning Declared, 
No Holiday for Union Govt Schools, Offices
Karnataka Declares Holiday 

The government has declared a seven-day mourning following the death of former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam but no holiday was declared on Tuesday for schools or government offices in view of the protocol that stipulates only 3-day mourning and no holiday, barring Karnataka which was home to him for over 40 years.

In view of the admiration for the former president among the people, the Centre has decided to make it a 7-day mourning that is reserved only in the event of the death of a sitting president.

The government has cleared that the schools and offices will remain open but some state governments have declared a holiday such as Karnataka, where Dr Kalam was a resident throughout his career as a DRDO scientist and holds special image among the science fraternity.

What DoPT's Order says in this regard? 

HOLIDAYS: The existing system of holidays will continue.  No holiday shall, however, be declared in the event of death of any person other than the incumbent President of India or the incumbent Prime Minister of India.  Suitable orders in this regard have already been issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs vide OM No. 3/2/97-Public dated 21.11.1997.Full text of OM reproduced below:-

Government’s instructions on reduction in number of Casual Leave: DoPT OM

No. 12/9/94-JCA 
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training 
North Block, New Delhi
January 14, 1998


SUBJECT:- Reduction in Casual Leave entitlement and various recommendations of the Fifth Pay Commission in respect of number of holiday/working week etc. 
 In the light of the various recommendations of Fifty Central Pay Commission contained in Chapter 118 of the Report relating to Hours of Work and Holidays etc., the following decisions have been taken by the Government.

2. WORKING WEEK: It has been decided to continue the five-day-week working system introduced since June-1985 in the civil administrative offices of Government of India. Departments whose functions are pre-dominantly marked by public dealings or of commercial nature and at present are functioning on 5-day-week basis, will review the existing arrangements and switch over to 6-day-week wherever feasible. Action taken in this regard will be reported to this Ministry within the next four months.

3. HOLIDAYS: The existing system of holidays will continue. No holiday shall, however, be declared in the event of death of any person other than the incumbent President of India or the incumbent Prime Minister of India. Suitable orders in this regard have already been issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs vide OM No. 3/2/97-Public dated 21.11.1997.

4. CASUAL LEAVE ENTITLEMENT: It has also been decided to reduce with effect from Ist January, 1998 the number of days of Casual Leave for Central Government employees from the existing 12 days to 8 days in a year. Various Departments may also effect corresponding reduction with effect from Ist January, 1998 where the Casual Leave entitlement for certain categories is higher than 12 under intimation to this Ministry.

5. All Ministries/Departments may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned under their administrative control and ensure compliance with these instructions. 

Monday 27 July 2015

Former President A P J Abdul Kalam Passes away. A big salute to the Missile Man


News : Bharat Ratna APJ Abdul Kalam Passed Away : Former Indian President Bharat Ratna APJ Abdul Kalam (Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam) Passed Away today. He was reportedly collapsed on stage while giving a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management in Shillong and immediately rushed to hospital.Doctors say he suffered from a cardiac arrest.

Dr Kalam was born in Rameswaram on October 15, 1931, to a boatman. He played a pivotal role in India's Pokhran-II nuclear test in 1998, the first since the test by India in 1974. He was known as Missile Man India for ensuring the success of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). For his achievements, he was awarded the Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan and Bharat Ratna, and then he became the 11th President of India in 2002. He was THE BEST and the ONLY president of India who inspired youth. His life itself is a motivational lesson for the modern youth. 

APJ Abdl Kalam : Timeline of Important Dates : 

1931 : A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was born on 15th October. 
1954: Graduated from Saint Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli. 
1955: Enrolled at the Madras Institute of Technology to study aerospace engineering. 
1960: Joined Aeronautical Development Establishment of Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) as a chief scientist. 
1969: Was transferred to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). 
1981 : Honored with Padma Bhushan 
1990 : Honored with Padma Vibhushan 
1992-1999: Served as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of Defence Research and Development Organisation. 
1997 : Honored with Bharat Ratna 
1997 : Honored with Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration 
2002-2007: Served as the 11th President of India. 
2015 : Passed Away on 27th July. 

Famous Books by Abdul Kalam :

Developments in Fluid Mechanics and Space Technology (1988) 
India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium (1998) 
Wings of Fire: An Autobiography (1999) 
Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within India (2002) 
The Luminous Sparks (2004) 
Mission India (2005) 
Inspiring Thoughts (2007) 
Indomitable Spirit (2007) 
Envisioning an Empowered Nation (2010) 
You Are Born To Blossom: Take My Journey Beyond (2011) 
Turning Points: A journey through challenges (2012) 
Target 3 Billion (2011) 
My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions (2013) 
A Manifesto for Change: A Sequel to India 2020 (2014) 
Transcendence My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swamiji (2015)