Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Monday, 25 October 2021
Friday, 22 October 2021
Pensionary Benefit of pensioner should be protected from recoveries & disbursement while recasting seniority at belated stage: Supreme Court
Pensionary Benefit of pensioner should be protected from recoveries & disbursement while recasting seniority at belated stage: Supreme Court
Hon’ble Supreme Court has stated in CA 6026-28/2021 Malook Singh and Others v/s State of Punjab and Others that when most of the pensioners have retired from service several years ago, it would be in the interests of justice if the pensionary benefits which they are now receiving are duly protected both against recoveries and in respect of their disbursement for the future. Such a direction would be manifestly in the interest of justice and accordingly we issue an order under Article 142 of the Constitution to that effect. The extract of judgement is being reproduced below:-
Civil Appeal Nos 6026-6028 of 2021
(Arising out of SLP (C) Nos 14029-14031 of 2011)
Malook Singh and Others …Appellants
State of Punjab and Others …Respondents
Civil Appeal No 6024 of 2021
(Arising out of SLP (C) No 25310 of 2013)
Civil Appeal No 6025 of 2021
(Arising out of SLP (C) No 22674 of 2012)
Dr Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud
1. Leave granted.
2. This batch of appeals arises from a judgment and order dated 15 March 2011 of a Division Bench of the High Court of Punjab and Haryana.
3. For convenience of reference, the facts as they emerged in the lead Civil Appeal (CA 6026-6028/2021 @ SLP(C) 14029-14031/2011) may be set out.
4. The appellants were appointed as clerks in 1975-1976 in the Punjab Civil Secretariat on an ad hoc basis. On 3 May 1977, their services were regularized with effect from 1 April 1977 pursuant to a policy of regularization. The policy of regularization notes that in anticipation of regular appointments, ad hoc appointments were resorted to by various appointing authorities in “administrative interest” after notifying the vacancies to the employment exchange or, as the case may be, by issuing advertisements. Since the ad hoc employees had acquired experience, and their ouster after a considerable period of service would entail hardship, their services were regularized, subject to certain terms and conditions. Clause (5) of the policy on regularization contained the following stipulations:
“5. The seniority of the ad hoc employees whose appointments are regularized in terms of the above policy shall be determined in the following manner:-
(a) After approval by the Appointing Authority the regularization of their appointments shall date back to 1st April, 1977 from which date their seniority shall be determined vis-à-vis candidates appointed on regular basis after selection through the prescribed agencies;
(b) The service rendered on ad hoc basis shall be taken into account for purposes of determining inter se seniority among the ad hoc employees themselves and a person having a longer service shall be senior and if the date of appointment on ad hoc basis is the same, then the older member shall be senior to a younger member.”
5. From the above stipulations, it becomes evident that the regularization in terms of the policy dated 3 May 1977, was to become effective on 1 April 1977 from which date their seniority would be determined in relation to candidates who were appointed on a regular basis after following the normal procedures for selection. However, as between the ad hoc employees who were regularized, it was stipulated that service rendered on an ad hoc basis shall be taken into account so that a person having a longer service shall be senior and if the date of appointment on ad hoc basis was the same, the older member would rank senior to the younger.
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Must Read: Enhancement of old age pension from the first day of 80th year: Supreme Court Judgement
22. Having resolved the above issue, as a matter of principle, the Court is then left with moulding the relief. Both the appellants and the private respondents, as well as the appellants in the companion appeals have from time to time received their promotions during the pendency of these proceedings and have retired from service. Some among them have retired nearly a decade ago. There may be some merit in the submissions which have been urged by Mr P S Patwalia, learned senior counsel that the judgment in CWP No 2780 of 1980 must govern those who are parties to the proceedings and cannot be resiled from by the State which was bound by the ultimate direction. Recasting the seniority of persons who have retired from service after receiving promotions and reworking the dates of notional promotion at this stage for the entire cadre going back all the way to 1 April 1977 is a daunting exercise for the State of Punjab. This is a point which was emphasized by Ms Anusha Nagarajan in the course of her submissions. Revising the seniority at this length of time would cast an insuperable burden on the State. During the pendency of these proceedings, an exercise was directed to be conducted on a limited basis, for which several months were required. Retrieving correct data to rework seniority commencing from April 1977 would be extremely difficult, resulting in further litigation. With this backdrop, when most of the pensioners have retired from service several years ago, it would be in the interests of justice if the pensionary benefits which they are now receiving are duly protected both against recoveries and in respect of their disbursement for the future. Such a direction would be manifestly in the interest of justice and accordingly we issue an order under Article 142 of the Constitution to that effect. Insofar as the private respondents are concerned, they too like the appellants have been promoted from time to time during the pendency of these proceedings since 2011 and are in the receipt of pensionary benefits. The matter, in our view, must rest there so that the pensioners are not left in a state of uncertainty at this stage of their lives after rendering long years of service to the State in the Punjab Civil Secretariat.
23. Consequently, while we affirm the judgment of the Division Bench on the issue of the principle which has been decided above, we direct that:
(i) The pensionary benefits which are being disbursed to the appellants shall not be disturbed. Likewise, the pensionary payments which are being disbursed to the respondents shall be paid over in accordance with law;
(ii) No recoveries shall be made of any nature whatsoever from the appellants; and
(iii) Insofar as the companion appeals are concerned, as recorded earlier, CWP No 16925 of 2003 and CWP No 4490 of 1994 were instituted on the basis of the observations of the Single Judge in Malook Singh’s case. That aspect has been duly clarified both in the Letters Patent Appeal and by the Single Judge in the judgment dated 5 January 2011. Hence, no further directions are required in the companion appeals. Both sets of appeals are disposed of.
24. The appeals are accordingly disposed of.
25. Pending applications, if any, stand disposed of.
[Dr Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud]
[Vikram Nath]
[B V Nagarathna]
New Delhi;
September 28, 2021
Source: Click here to view/download the PDF 15645_2011_34_2_30417_Judgement_28-Sep-2021
Allowance to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief to Pensions, due from 01.07.2021
Cabinet approves release of an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief to Pensions, due from 01.07.2021

Cabinet approves release of an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief to Pensions, due from 01.07.2021
An increase of 3% over the existing rate of 28% of the Basic Pay / Pension
This will benefit about 47.14 lakh Central Government employees and 68.62 lakh pensioners
Impact on the exchequer on account of both Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief would be Rs.9,488.70 crore per annum
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, today has approved to release an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners w.e.f. 1.7.2021 representing an increase of 3% over the existing rate of 28% of the Basic Pay / Pension, to compensate for price rise.
This increase is in accordance with the accepted formula, which is based on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission. The combined impact on the exchequer on account of both Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief would be Rs.9,488.70 crore per annum. This will benefit about 47.14 lakh Central Government employees and 68.62 lakh pensioners.
funeral Ceremony of Com B B Das
Dear Comrades,/ Friends/ Brothers:- Today on 22.10.2021,
the 11 th day funeral Ceremony of Our late lamented leader Com Bipin Behari Das, Former Circle Secretary P-4 and Former Secretary Staff Side of RJCM,Odisha Postal Circle at "Sahoo Complex" , Chauliaganj,Cuttack organised by his family members where in we on behalf of NFPE and AIPRPA Odisha State Committee held a Condolence meeting and paid our respectful and tearful Homage to the departed leader of the Odisha Postal Union's family led by Com R N Dhal,State General Secretary of AIPRPA Odisha who was the Former Circle Secretary of R-3 & Leader RJCM (Staff Side)-Cum- General Secretary of NFPE CoC, Odisha Circle in which many Postal leaders/Members of Cuttack City Dn, Kendrapada Dn,Cuttack South Dn and many retired persons attended and paid their respectful homage and offered flowers to the Photo Portrait of Late Com B B Das.
Amongst the Leaders attended were Com Bishnu Das, Com K C Natia, Com Shiba Ch Sinha,Com Dillip Pradhan,Com Ashok, Com Sudarsan and many others of City Dn, Com Bijay Ku Dash,Com Satrughna Pandey and others of Kendrapada Division, Com Ajay Kumar Parida,Com Brahmananda Swain,Ex D.S.P-4 and other 2-3 Comrades of Ck South Dn and Com Fani Bhusan Tripathy,D /S of RMS N Dn(R-3), Com Ananda Ch Pattanaik, Former Circle President of P-4 , and Ex D/S of BBSR Dn also attended .All the leaders addressed briefly on the life of Com B B Das and recollected the old memories and the sacrifices of Com Das for the organization under NFPTE and NFPE etc after Com R N Dhal spoke shortly.
Atlast all the leaders and members gave their shouting and tearful slogans like-
Com Bipin Behari Das-Zindabad
Com Bipin Das- Amar Rahe,
Com Bipin Behari Das -Red Salute
Com Bipin Das- ko-Lal Salam
Com Bipin Das-Tumanku Aame Bhulinu bhulibu nahin
Suraj Chand Jab tak Rahega- Com Bipin Das- Tumbhara Nam Rahega-.
Com Bipin Das-Ko- Lal Lal Lal Salam.
Thursday, 14 October 2021
Odisha P & T Trade Union movement lost another veteran leader on 12.10.2021 in the name of Bipin Bihari Das, Ex-Circle Secretary, P-IV and Ex-Secretary, RJCM (Staff Side), Odisha Circle
Odisha P & T Trade Union movement lost another veteran leader on 12.10.2021 in the name of Bipin Bihari Das, Ex-Circle Secretary, P-IV and Ex-Secretary, RJCM (Staff Side), Odisha Circle
Com. Bipin Bihari Das, 76, former Circle Secretary P4 Union, Odisha Circle passed away on 12.10.2021 at 2 PM in his Chauliaganj , Cuttack residence
While working as PA (BCR) in Cuttack City Division, he retired from Govt. service on attaining superannuation on 30th June 2006. He was continuing as Circle Secretary, P-IV, Odisha for a long period of 37 years from 1960 to 1997 and handed over charge to Com. D B Mohanty, present General Secretary, PIV CHQ. He was also continuing as Member / Secretary, RJCM (Staff Side). In addition, he was the Divisional Secretary of P4 and EDAs of Cuttack South and City Division for many years up to the CCS(RSA) Rules,1993 and CCS(RA) Rules,1995 for EDAs was introduced and implemented. Further more, he was one of the founder members of AIPRPA. Odisha State Committee and was the Vice President and the advisor of the State Committee and Cuttack District Committee as well.
As a close associate of Com. Adi Narayan and Com. N J Iyer and Com. Banshidhar Mohanty, veteran trade union leader of Odisha Circle, he had taken too much pain and strain for organizational work especially in formation of Divisional Unions during the period from 1960 to 1980.
His death certainly created a huge gap in the P & T Trade Union movement of Odisha Circle
On behalf of NFPE Odisha State CoC, and AIPEU Postmen and MTS Odisha Circle while we convey our deep condolences, pray Lord Jagannath to shower His unending blessings over the bereaved family members to bear with this irreparable loss.
May the divine soul rest in peace.
Long Live, Com B B Das, Long Live
BONUS ORDER - Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting year 2020-21
BONUS ORDER - Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting year 2020-21
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
Guidelines of Holding elective office and guidelines of foreign service to members of Recognized Service Associations/Federation - reg.
Guidelines of Holding elective office and guidelines of foreign service to members of Recognized Service Associations/Federation - reg.
Monday, 11 October 2021
CGHS Webinars CGHS, known for providing comprehensive health care services to its beneficiaries, is conducting a series of short webinars of 60-90 minute duration with active participation of its beneficiaries to provide information on common health related issues. These webinars are being scheduled at 4.00 pm on 2 nd and 4 th Tuesday of the month. A 30-40 minutes presentation by a CGHS Doctor will be followed by 30 minutes of answering of relevant questions from the beneficiaries. It is expected that these webinars will provide useful information to CGHS beneficiaries and create awareness on various health conditions, provide guidance on promotive care, lifestyle modification and also dispel many health-related myths and doubts. The twenty-third in the series is being held on 12/10/2021 (Tuesday) at 4.00PM on "Common Eye Ailments - Need to prioritize the symptoms " by Dr. Anurag Narula, Eye Surgeon , Safdarjung Hospital , New Delhi .
The link for attending the webinar is as follows:
Click Here to view the complete Manual (37 Pages)
The theme for this year’s International Day of the Girl Child is “Digital Generation. Our Generation.” As the pandemic has made the world sit in front of laptop/mobile screens for learning and earning, around 2.2 billion people around the globe still do not have internet connections.
This has made them being pushed off the margins, especially the girls. On a global level, the gender gap of internet users has jumped from 11 per cent in 2013 to 17 per cent in 2019. For the least developed countries, the percentage marks around 43 percent.
In the age of digital revolution where people are using technology in various ways to learn new skills and earn revenue, women and girls cannot be left behind.
Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw greets Universal Postal Union and Postal family on World Postal Day
Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw greets Universal Postal Union and Postal family on World Postal Day
Ministry of Communications

Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw greets Universal Postal Union and Postal family on World Postal Day
Leverage given by tough times will guide India Post positively in years to come: Postal Secretary Shri Vineet Pandey
World Post Day is celebrated each year on 9th of October to mark the anniversary of establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874. India has been a member of the Universal Postal Union since 1876. The purpose of World Post Day is to create awareness about the role of postal sector in the lives of people and businesses as well as contribution to the socio-economic development of countries. The theme for this year’s World Post Day is ‘Innovate to recover’.On the occasion of World Post Day, we remember the invaluable contributions of postal workers in ensuring public service delivery during the trying times of Covid pandemic.
To quote Mr. António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations-“The vast postal network – involving millions of workers moving billions of pieces of mail through hundreds of thousands of post offices – is woven into our societies, connecting communities the world over”
With more than 1.5 lakh IT enabled Post Offices, India Post played a crucial role in rendering postal and financial services during the pandemic lockdown in 2020 and in 2021. The robust IT system enabled India Post to deliver financial services at the doorsteps of citizens.
The vast postal network has been further strengthened through the launch of India Post Payments Bank in 2018,with a vision to build the most accessible, affordable and trusted bank for the common man.
On the occasion of World Postal Day, Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw, Minister of Electronics & Information Technology, greeted the Universal Postal Union and Postal in a tweet. He also mentioned about the social contribution of India Postal Department.
Shri Vineet Pandey, Secretary (Posts) in his message on the eve of World Post Day has highlighted that the “Post Offices have become more relevant than ever before and the leverage given by the tough times will guide India Post positively in the years to come”.
NFPE writes to Secretary & Director General regarding Stay order from Madras High Court against DOP orders issued under F. No. 18-01/2017-SR dated - 15.09.2021
NFPE writes to Secretary & Director General regarding Stay order from Madras High Court against DOP orders issued under F. No. 18-01/2017-SR dated - 15.09.2021
Sand Art at sea beach Puri by Odisha Circle on the occasion of National Postal Week, 2021
Sand Art at sea beach Puri by Odisha Circle on the occasion of National Postal Week, 2021
On the occasion of observation of NATIONAL POSTAL WEEK and AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV, Chief PMG, Odisha Shri Suvendu Swain inaugurated SAND ART designed by eminent Sand Artist, Shri Sudarshan Pattanaik(Padma Awardee), at Sea Beach of Puri, Odisha in the presence of Shri Aditya Ku. Nayak, DPS(HQr), Bhubaneswar. The core focus of the dept. is on CITIZEN CENTRIC SERVICES for the nation.