Monday 31 January 2022

Extension of Annual increment to the Central Government Employees on January and July from 01-01-2006 as a special case for settling an outstanding 6th CPC anomaly.– NCJCM letter to Secy DOPT & DoE

Extension of Annual increment to the Central Government Employees on January and July from 01-01-2006 as a special case for settling an outstanding 6th CPC anomaly.– NCJCM letter to Secy DOPT & DoE

Shiva Gopal Mishra

National Council (Staff Side)

No.NC-JCM-2022/DOPT (Inc)

January 25 , 2022

The Secretary (P)
Government Of India
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block.
New Delhi,

The Secretary,
Government of India
Department of Expenditure
North Block,
New Delhi.

Sub : Extension of Annual increment to the Central Government Employees on January and July from 01-01-2006 as a special case for settling an outstainding 6th CPC anomaly.

Ref:- 1) DN1 under rule 10 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016
2) Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008
3) MoF/DOE O.M. No:4-21/2017-IC/E.IIIA Dtd:28/11/2019

Dear Sir,

This Office is receiving representations from individual employees as well as from the employees organisation of various Ministries / Departments with regard to an unsettled anomaly in the date of increment which has cropped up after the implementation of 6th CPC recommendations. Details of the case with illustration is given below for your favorable consideration as a onetime measure.

During the year 2006 prior to publication of 6th CPC recommendations several promotions MACP / appointment took place in the month of January-2006. Accordingly individuals who have been promoted/MACP granted in Jan-2006 were supposed to get next increment in Jan’2007. But due to fixation of uniform annual increment fixed as 15t July of the every year by 6th CPC, The individuals got next increment in July-2007instead of Jan-2007 Le. after 17 months ( more than 12 months) Instead of 12 months.

                                                    In order to address the such 6th CPC anomalies, vide ref(3) DoE has given an option of annual increment twice in a year 1.e. Jan & July vide CC5(RP) rules,2016 and FR&SR part-I w.e.f. 01/01/2016. But for the cases of MRCP/Promotion/Appointment between 2-jan to 3O June 2006 to 2015 whoever was granted the benefit of Entry Pay are not addressed. This batch got its first Increment after completion of 13 to 17 months service Instead of 12 months. But in same years i.e, between 2006¬2015 the individuals got MACP/Promotion / Appointment between 2nd July to 31 December got the benefit July increment within the year. This situation is resulting the financial loss, incremental seniority loss and terminal benefits loss to the retiring employees.

In view of the above position we propose the following two option for the favorable consideration of the DOP&T and Department of Expenditure for issuing of necessary government orders.

Option 1:

The above illustration is self-explanatory that the individual if given increment in Jan/July-2007 will get next increment in reasonable period. Therefore, such individuals may be given an increment on next Jan/idly to rectify the anomaly risen w.e.f. 1/1/2006 onwards, The issue may be considered by amending the effect date of ref(3) OM retrospectively from 01/01/2006 in place of existing 01/01/2016


Option 2:

Option may be given to those whose date of increment fallen beyond one year i.e. on 2-jan to 30 th June 2006 to 2015 entry pay due to 6th CPC uniform increment (July of every year) to switch over from 6th CPC to 7thCPC on 01/01/2016, so that their DNI can be January as per the guidelines of ref (3) M0F/DoE memorandum.

Sir, in case any further discussion is required then a meeting may be convened with the Staff Side for clarifying the doubts if any Awaiting for your favorable response please,

Thanking you sir

Yours Sincerely

COVID-19 containment measures extended up to 28.02.2022


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Webinar to create awareness on newly notified CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 and generation of Digital Life Certificates using Face Authentication Technology Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances


Webinar to create awareness on newly notified CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 and generation of Digital Life Certificates using Face Authentication Technology

 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

A Webinar organized to create awareness on newly notified CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 and generation of Digital Life Certificates using Face Authentication Technology

Posted On: 26 JAN 2022 3:11PM by PIB Delhi

A webinar was organized for all the Pensioners’ Associations under the chairmanship of Shri V. Srinivas,   Secretary (P&PW) with the objective to create awareness on newly notified CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 and generation of Digital Life Certificates using Face Authentication Technology.  Central Government Pensioners Associations from all parts of the country participated in the meeting. Presentations were given on CCS Pension Rules 2021 and on DLC generation through Face Authentication followed by a Question Answer session after each presentation.

Secretary (P&PW) expressed his happiness to meet such a large group of 52 participants from the various Associations and to have a constructive interaction. He appreciated the intensity of the discussion and the various queries raised, given the release of CCS Pension Rules 2021 on 25th December 2021 and the recent launch of DLC generation through face authentication. The curiosity among pensioners was very understandable and such interactions would continue with a view to stay in touch and ensure that every association reached out to.  He also requested each Association to have regular interactions with their membership.

He reiterated that the objective of the meeting was to enhance interaction between the department and the pensioners’ associations, especially at his level so that he could know each one personally and the associations could be assured that the Secretary would be in a position to understand and listen to areas where concern exists. He informed that since the pension department is a very legalistic and policy based department, it is important to understand where reforms are necessary and constant updations and amendments in law may be required to ensure greater benefits given to pensioners and that will be the objective of the entire exercise. He expressed hope that membership of each association is more than 300 and they are interacting regularly with the members.

Tuesday 25 January 2022




‘On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter into a life of contradictions. In politics we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality.

In politics we will be recognizing the principle of one man one vote and one vote one value. In our social and economic life, we shall, by reason of our social and economic structure, continue to deny the principle of one man one value.

How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions? How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic life?……

Lost rights are never regained by appeals to the conscience of the usurpers, but by relentless struggle.’…BR Ambedkar


Thursday 20 January 2022




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Strike poster


40 years oof 1st all india General strike on 19th January 1982





Thursday 13 January 2022

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NFPE Odisha writes to Chief PMG, Odisha and DPS (HQ Region) regarding surge in COVID-19 cases during third wave and preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of the virus and to protect the postal employees and their family members in Odisha Circle

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NFPE Odisha writes to Chief PMG, Odisha and DPS (HQ Region) regarding surge in COVID-19 cases during third wave and preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of the virus and to protect the postal employees and their family members in Odisha Circle


NFPE Odisha writes to Chief PMG, Odisha and DPS (HQ Region) regarding surge in COVID-19 cases during third wave and preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of the virus and to protect the postal employees and their family members in Odisha Circle

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Monday 3 January 2022