Postal JCA ( NFPE/ FNPO) has been revived today. Very good meeting today. In coming General Strike on 28-29 March all cross section of Postal Employees will take part under PJCA. Joint notice/ joint campaign/ leaflet etc all will be there. Circular of PJCA will follow shortly. PJCA will continue it’s functioning and will go on struggle on sectional issues in future days. All decision in today's meeting were taken unanimously. Sr leader Com RN Parashar and T N Rahate were also in the meeting. Let us start with a new beginning. All CSs are requested to approach to FNPO so as to form Circle PJCA. Only United struggle can save us. Any prob in forming Circle PJCA may kindly be brought to our notice.
At the same time we ( NFPE) have to concentrate on our independent campaign as before apart from JCA prog.
NFPE ( CHQ), New Delhi.