Wednesday 25 March 2020

Gist of discussion of the Circle Secretary with Chief PMG, DPS, Secretary General, NFPE and General Secretary, P-IV, CHQ on opening of all HOs, Delivery SOs, BOs and selected NDSOs during the lockdown period.

Dear Comrades,
After going through the letter of the Secretary (Posts) to all CPMsG and his appeal to all the postal family members and Directorate’s revised instructions to open all HOs, Delivery SOs, BOs and selected NDSOs from 26.03.2020 onwards, we directly discussed with the Chief PMG, Odisha, DPS(HQ) and our Secretary General, NFPE few minutes ago. The discussions made with the Chief PMG in the morning hour today with lots of assurances become futile on receipt of the fresh order. The gist of the discussion made is furnished below for information of our members.

Before that, we would like to sincerely appeal one and all to understand the gravity of the situation without throwing mud on one another. Many members are not reading completely what we are writing. The issues which are being raised by our members have already been brought to the notice of all competent authorities severally and posted in all WhatsApp groups including our Circle Website. But still then,  the same issues are being repeated in the groups time and again with unacceptable approaches. Some are suggesting the issues with too many ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’. They should understand that Union does not work on apprehensions. In the present position, so far as opening and closing of post offices are concerned, there is nothing in the hands of the Circle Head so that the Circle Secretary can convince the local administration easily. Still then, we are trying in every possible way to convey the concern of the postal employees.


While discussing the issue with the Chief PMG, we conveyed him the difficulties now faced by the employees who are brought on duty on rotational basis in the ‘A’ Class, MDGs and HOs. i.e. especially on non-availability of preventive materials and difficulties faced on roads by the police. When requested the police for issuing Pass to come to office, they are avoiding telling to show the identity cards. When the identity card is shown, the police personnel on duty on the roads are asking for Pass. The Chief PMG told that each Divisional Head if writes to the Circle Office, they will issue the required Pass against the officials brought on duty. When requested for maintaining status quo, he expressed his inability to go beyond the orders of the Secretary (Posts). Since it is ordered by the Directorate, we have to obey by any means. With assurance to discuss again tomorrow, he stopped talking.


Not being satisfied, we called the DPS (HQ) and repeated the above fact. Requested him to write to the Commissionerate Police to allow the postal employees to attend office on production of Identity Cards which has already been intimated. Told him also the non-availability of preventive materials with request to appraise the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Odisha to arrange supply of the same according to the need of our Circle. He assured me to discuss  tomorrow with Chief PMG and take a decision in this regard.


Thereafter, the matter was also discussed with Com. R N Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE and general Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ and Com. Debabrata Mohanty, General Secretary, P-IV, CHQ.

Com. Parashar told that he has already discussed the issue with Secretary (Posts) to maintain status quo and not to go for opening of all post offices. At all there will be any death case in the postal fraternity due to such arbitrary order, then history will not excuse the present Secretary (Post) – he warned. However, as told, the recent order to open all HOs, Delivery SOs, BOs and selected NDSOs has been issued under the pressure of the Cabinet Secretary. The Secretary General told that if the Secretary (Posts) will go on implementing the revised order, then the Staff Side will be compelled to take a hard decision which may put the Department into difficulty. Honestly speaking, if we people will go for any agitational programme to mount pressure on the Department for complete closure of post offices,  it will be suicidal on our part since the general public who are in wider support of the social distancing may go against us. We have to achieve our goal through fruitful negotiation only. As informed, the Secretary (Posts) has asked the Secretary General to attend the Directorate tomorrow at 12 noon for further discussion. On behalf of Odisha Circle, we have suggested the Secretary General to stress upon the following aspects during the course of discussion with the Secretary (Posts).

i.              To remain firm on our demand for complete closure of post offices.
ii.            If not agreed to, for maintaining status quo in opening of the post offices
iii.           To issue such an order which can be implemented uniformly throughout the nation without any deviation from Circle to Circle and Division to Division. The order needs to be complete in all respect.
iv.           Issue strict instructions to all CPMsG to arrange supply of preventive materials adequately to all post offices / postal employees brought on duty.
v.            Not to change the orders frequently.

Further it was also confirmed by Com. Debabrata Mohanty, General Secretary, P-IV and Dy. Secretary General, NFPE that a discussion has also been made with the Secretary Generals of FNPO and BPEF for submission of a joint memorandum in this regard to the Secretary (Posts).

Let’s watch the progress on our discussion as above  before proceed further.

In this context, I would like to appeal all our Divisional Secretaries to place their demands before their respective Divisional heads and intimate the Circle Union the progress to go ahead.

Till then, please go by the instructions of the Circle / Divisional Head adopting the preventive measures circulated in different modes to contain spread of COVID-19.

Stay healthy and allow others to remain healthy.

= Bruhaspati Samal =
Circle Secretary

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