Monday, 31 August 2015

7th Pay Commission report to come into force next fiscal year

7th Pay Commission report to come into force next fiscal year

New Delhi: The Seventh Pay Commission recommendations are likely to be come into effect from April 1 as the country entered a new fiscal year.

The reports of Seventh Central Pay Commission will be implicated from April next year as Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said in the Parliament on February 27.

The Seventh Pay Commission plans to submit its recommendations on a new pay and pension structure for the country’s 48 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners’ up to December 31.

Seventh Central Pay Commission team headed by its Chairman Justice A K Mathur (second from left siting), Member Vivek Rae (left siting) and Secretary Meena Agarwal (right siting).
Justice A K Mathur, chairman of the 4-member commission, said they are aiming for the date so that the government employees can get salaries under the new pay scale from the upcoming fiscal year.

However, they were ready to submit its report by the end of September but government gave nod to submit its report till December 31.

“The commission would work to keep inflation in check, as a salary increase is invariably accompanied by a rise in the price level,” an official of the commission said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The commission is exploring whether it would be possible to increase financial limitation of various facilities to the central government employees in place of existence allowances, he said.

For instance, the commission is considering whether it would be possible to increase education allowance facilities from school children to college boys/girls upto 25 years.

Presently the Education allowance is admissible for two children, for studying upto XII standard. The maximum ceiling is stipulated at Rs.18000/- since this allowance had been hiked by 50% because of the DA component in salary having been crossed 100% on 1.1.2014.

He also said they are also considering whether to recommend increasing Central Government Employees’ Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) up to minimum sum assured amount to Rs 5 Lakh in the event of death. Now, the maximum sum assured in the event of death in this scheme is Rs.30 thousand.

The commission is also mulling to recommend more cities to cover Central government Health Scheme (CGHS) from existing 25 cities for better health facilities for central governments employees and pensioners.

Sources said the commission would recommend formation of a fund where a staff will deposit some money towards a flat after retirement at the start of his job; the government will also contribute towards it.

The Commission, which was set up by the UPA government in February 2014 to revise remuneration of central government employees, Defence personnel and pensioners, was required to submit its report by August-end.

The government on Wednesday extended by four months the term of the Seventh Pay Commission, The Commission will now have time until December 31 to submit its report.


Monday, August 31, 2015





 (R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General


Dear Comrades,

                We have placed on our website the synopsis of the discussion the leaders of the Central Trade Unions had with the Group of Ministers on the 12 point charter of demands. The Central Trade Unions evaluated the Government’s response to the strike call and have come to the conclusion that in the absence of any tangible result, the strike action must take place.  The only issue on which there had been a concrete proposal from the Government was on the question of raising the bonus ceiling.  In fact such an assurance has been given by the earlier Government also.  Due to the pressure exerted by the employing class, the said assurance could not be translated into reality.  To have the assurance to be put into practice, the Bonus Act has to be amended and that is possible only in the next session of the parliament.  In other words, if one is to believe the assurance held out by the Government on the question of raising the ceiling for bonus computation, it can only have prospective effect i.e. for the next year 2016.  We firmly believe that the corporate would not allow the present government to give effect to this assurance.  The acrimonious ceiling on bonus while allowing unlimited extraction of profit for the companies is to be fought out through bitter struggles.

                There had been no word from the Government on the question of rolling back its proposals on the labour reforms. The proposed labour reforms will hurt the working class most.  The regularization of contract workers, payment of minimum wage, ensuring statutory Pension benefit, the registration or recognition of trade unions within a stipulated time limit to enable the workers to have the right to collective bargaining, the non implementation of the agreements reached at the various tripartite Labour conferences were some of the significant issues on which the working class sought settlement. Introduction of 100% FDI in Railways, 49% in Defencecorporatisation & privatisation of government entities, end for contract/casual temporary employment also met with stoic silence or rejection.  The Group of Ministers has successfully eluded the issues. The BMS unions have declared that they would withdraw from the strike action.  Their decision being political based is understandable, but is difficult to appreciate. We can only hope against hope that they would realize the reality of the situation in the days to come and become part of the joint struggles very soon.
                The 7th CPC has sought further time to submit its report.  They are now likely to submit their report by 31st December, 2015.  Given the way the commission had acted on this vital issue, we are not certain of it.  It is on the specious plea that they would be submitting their report within the stipulated time, they had rejected our demand for interim relief.  They ought to have submitted an interim report to the Government before seeking further time on the memorandum submitted by the Staff Side on merger of DA and Interim relief.  Even if the report is submitted say by 31st December, 2015,  which we feel is unlikely, the Government is bound to take another six months to take a view on the Commission’s recommendations.   It is incumbent upon the National JCA to meet immediately and take appropriate decision in the light of the unexpected step taken by the Commission in seeking further time to submit its report.  They must go ahead with the decision to go on strike from 23rd November, 2015 demanding the Commission to submit urgently an interim report on merger of DA and Interim relief.
                There had been no positive steps taken by the government to revive the functioning of the JCM at National or Departmental levels.  There appears to be no intention on their part to cause discussion on our charter of demands.   In this background we must revitalize and rejuvenate the functioning of our   Organizations at all levels.  We have received excellent reports of the strike preparation from all over the country.


With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

Secretary General

Saturday, 29 August 2015

28t h August 2015

After two rounds of discussion between the Group of Ministers and the central trade unions on the 12-point charter of demands of the trade unions held on 26th and 27th August 2015, the GoM headed by Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley sent an appeal through the press release dated 27-08-2015 (Press Information Bureau) after 10 pm urging upon the trade unions to reconsider the call for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015 claiming that the Govt has given concrete assurance to consider most of the demands  of the trade unions and that the trade unions agreed to consider the Govt’s proposals. Similar appeal was also made in the meeting of 27th August.  Both the claims of the Govt are totally incorrect.   

To put the facts straight, the joint platform of central trade unions have been pursuing with successive governments at the centre with their basic demands since 2009 and observed three rounds of countrywide general strike since 2010, the last being for two days in February 2013. In the two rounds of meeting between the CTUOs and the Group of Minister, nothing transpired in concrete terms except vague statements by the ministers on steps to be taken or being taken on some of the issues, that too not in the right direction.

The Govt’s press release mentioned, inter alia, certain issues in support of their unfounded claim.
1.    The Govt stated about “appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and applicable” for all. But despite concrete pointers made by the trade unions that such formula should be what has already been unanimously  recommended by the 44th Indian Labour Conference in 2012 and again reiterated by 46th Indian Labour Conference in July 2015 in which the Govt of India is also a party,  the Ministers did not give any concrete commitment on the same. In fact said formulae recommended by 44th ILC in 2012 and reiterated by 46th ILC in July 2015, makes minimum wage around Rs 20000/- at 2014 price level and the Trade Unions demanded only Rs 15,000/. The Ministers’ vague formulation does not ensure even half of that. Is such a position worth consideration?    
2.    On contract workers, the Govt assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages. What is there to assure except spreading deliberate confusion?  Existing laws of the land lawfully ensures payment of minimum wages to contract workers. The Govt’s statement regarding “sector specific minimum wages for the contract workers” also does not make any sense. The trade unions demanded “same wages and other benefits as regular workers in the concerned industry/establishment to be paid to contract workers.” The 43rd Indian Labour Conference held in 2011 recommended the same and 46th ILC unanimously reiterated the same in 2015, in which, again, the present Govt is a party. How could they deny the unanimous recommendation of the highest tripartite forum in the country like Indian Labour Conference?
3.    The steps taken by the Govt on Labour Law amendments, are meticulously designed to throw out more than 70% of the workers on industries and other establishments from the purview and coverage of almost all basic labour laws and also to eliminate almost all components/provisions of rights and protections of the workers. This was supplemented by more aggressive steps already taken by a good number of state governments to already amend the labour laws in the similar lines. On this issue, the Govt stated only that they will hold tripartite consultation before taking such steps.  The trade unions demanded scrapping of such proposals by the central govt and also not to give assents (through President) to the unilateral amendments made by the state governments. Even in all the tripartite consultations held on some of the proposals of the Govt, the trade unions’ unanimous suggestions has been ignored by the Govt in favour of loud supportive applauds of the employers. Once these retrograde changes in labour laws totally dismantling the rights and protection measures for the workers and also throwing more that 70% of the workers out of the purview of labour laws are enacted, thereby rendering the almost entire working people a right-less entity in their workplace, what would ensure even payment of minimum wage and other social security benefits for them, even if those provisions are improved ?  Can any trade union, worth its name accept such a machination designed to impose conditions of virtual slavery on the working people ?
4.    Despite repeated insistence by all the trade unions, the Govt refused to concede to the demand for recognizing  the Scheme workers, viz., Anganwadi, Mid-day meal, ASHA, Para-teachers and others as “worker” with attendant rights of statutory minimum wages and other benefits in gross violation of the unanimous recommendation of the 45th Indian Labour Conference in 2013, reiterated again by the 46th ILC  in 2015. These workers and all the schemes have been put to further crisis threatening their existance owing to drastic cut in budgetary allocations for those schemes. In such a situation, does the assurance of the Govt to “extend social security measures” and “working out ways” for the same carry any meaning?
5.    On bonus issue, the Govt has assured to revise the eligibility and calculation ceiling to Rs 21000/- and Rs 7000/- respectively from existing Rs 10000/- and Rs 3500/-. Trade Unions’ demand has been that since there is no ceiling on profit, all ceilings in the Payment of Bonus Act should be removed altogether. Trade unions also demanded substantial upward revision of the formula for gratuity calculation and remove the ceiling on gratuity payment. The Govt has negated the demands.
6.    On price rise situation, claim of the Govt that it has gone down does not match with ground reality in respect of commodities for daily necessities of the common people. The demands of the trade unions for putting a ban on speculation/forward trading in essential commodities and services along with universalisation of public distribution system throughout the country have been totally ignored.
7.    Trade Unions demanded stoppage of disinvestment in public sector undertakings playing crucial and supportive role in advancement of the national economy. Govt totally ignored the same, rather has been going on aggressively in disinvestment route  in all the major PSUs much to the detriment of the interest of the country’s economy.  On the demands for stoppage of further FDI in defence, railways and financial sector, the stance of the Govt is continuing to be a total denial. Rather, the Govt has been aggressively pursuing deregulation and privatization in strategic sectors like electricity, Port & Docks, Airports etc in a big way.

There are other issues as well, statement of Govt continued to be totally vague and their claim is unfounded. How can anybody, rather any trade union worth its name can consider above stands taken by the Govt on vital demands of the workers as a positive development and move out from the programme of united strike action ?

Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for reconsidering the decisions of the Central Trade Unions for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015. Rather, the situation demands that there should be no vascillation in carrying forward the call for general strike on 2nd September 2015 throughout the country in all sectors of the economy with firm determination.

The Central Trade Unions appeal to all working people irrespective of affiliations to make the call for countrywide general strike against the anti-worker, anti-people policies of Govt a massive success.

                                                                                                                                                  Tapan Sen

                                                                                                                                                      General Secretary CITU

Friday, 28 August 2015

Trade unions barring RSS-affiliated Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh to strike on September 2

NEW DELHI: All central trade unions barring the RSS-affiliated Bhartiya Mazdoor  Sangh on Friday decided to go ahead with their planned nationwide strike on  September 2, saying the government failed to give a concrete proposal on their  12-point charter of demands.

 "There is no reason for us to defer the  planned strike and all 11 central unions will be on a one day nationwide strike  to convey the discontent amongst workers," G Sanjeevareddy, chairman of the  central trade unions coordination committee said after a three-hour meeting where the government  offered some sops. However, BMS, which claims to be the second largest trade  union in the country, feels that following the government's proposal, unions  should give it time to deliver. "We have requested all central trade unions not  to go on strike just for political reasons," Vrijesh Upadhyay, general secretary of BMS, said after the meeting. BMS feels  that unions should give government six months to deliver on the proposals. "For the first time, the government has made a positive move  on some of the issues. Let us give them some time to deliver," Upadhyay said.  

An inter-ministerial committee led by finance minister Arun  Jaitley had on Thursday proposed to significantly increase minimum wages and  make them mandatory across the country. It also suggested an increase in the  bonus ceiling as well as widening the coverage of provident fund and health  insurance to include  construction workers and those in schemes such as aanganwadis.

The  unions' decision to go ahead with the strike is a blow for the government that  met trade union representatives thrice in July and twice in August to discuss their 12-point  charter of demands. The government had assured them action on at least four of  their key demands on Thursday while urging unions to reconsider their decision  to go on strike. However, unions felt that whatever assurance has come is not  meeting their demand and hence 10 of the 11 central trade unions will stage a  one-day general strike next week. 
Happy  Raksha Bandhan 

रक्षा बंधन के शुभावसर पर हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। 



No. PF-CL/2015                                                             Dated: 27th August, 2015
 Ref- DG POST  LR. NO. 2-53/2011-PCC DT. 22-1-2015 &  1-5-  2015
          This is regarding non implementation of orders of Directorate regarding revision of wages of casual labor. Even though Directorate issued orders  in the month of January vide memo cited u/r  the same is not being implemented at lower level in some circles particularly, TAMILNADU, ANDHRA PRADESH,WEST BENGAL & MAHARASTRA .CIRCLES. The situation is that in AP, KARNATAKA & W.BENGAL circles in some divisions new wages were paid but arrears are not drawn on the plea of non availability of budget.

          Those circles are raising some hypothetical objections which are not related to the issue. Wages are to be paid to those who worked against post without any objection along with arrears.

          Even though it was clearly mentioned in the order to implement 50% DA merger also as per the orders dt. 31-5-2004, the same is totally ignored in almost all circles.

           As such you are requested to issue instructions, so that orders are implemented very soon uniformly throughout the Country very soon at least by 15th September 2015 by which all casual labor the low paid employees will be benefitted.


No. PF-CL/2015                                                                Dated: 27th August, 2015

  Ref- DG POST LR. NO. 18-3/2002-WELFARE& SPORTS DT. 19-9-2002

               This is regarding stoppage of recoveries of CO-OPERATIVE SOCITIES from GDS employees issued vide letter cited u/r issued stating that TRCA cannot be treated as pay.

                In this connection we would like to bring to the notice of Madam, that Appendix 29 of FHB VOL -1 says that “a member of a society providing that this employer shall deduct from his SALARY or WAGES such amount  as may be specified in the agreement and to pay the amount so deducted to the society”. This clearly envisages that the deduction can be made from SALARY or WAGES OF A MEMBER of the Society. It does not specify the PAY/TRCA or any other name. all payments of GDS are being paid from the head “ SALARY” only. As such even though the name is deferent payment is done from the same head from which regular employees are paid.

               Further it is to bring to your kind notice, that many changes taken place in the payments after 2002. GDS re allowed to have PLI, RPLI POLICIES and deductions are done from their salary every month. Number of advances are sanctioned to GDS and recovered from their TRCA every month. In addition any court attachments are also recovered from them.

                At present, as Department allowed as payment bank, it is a must to relax this condition. Now GDS are being benefited by getting loans immediately if required for education of their children. Marriages of their children etc from CO-OPERATIVE SOCITIES without any problem. This stoppage has removed this facility resulting in hard ship to GDS to get loans otherwise.

               In this changed scenario you are requested to reconsider the issue and they may be permitted to obtain loans from CO-OPERATIVE SOCITIES by allowing deductions from salary, so that they will b   e brought out of tensions and work with more vigor.

           We hope that, you will consider the issue positively.
           An early action is solicited.


No. PF-CL/2015                                                                Dated: 27th August, 2015

      This is regarding non implementation of DOPT orders on re-fixation of pay of re employed ex service men in our department. Even though nearly 5 years lapsed the above said orders were not implemented in our Department whereas the same are being implemented in about all other Central Govt. Departments including Railways, Income tax, all Nationalized Banks & PSU’s

      Further it was observed that in our Department also in U.P., BIHAR & DELHI Circles these orders are implemented. This clearly proves that the orders are very clear and needs no clarification. But unfortunately most circles wants clarifications which are not at all required.

      As such you are requested to issue instructions to implement the orders as early as possible so that the feelings of ex-servicemen that they are let down by the department will be removed from their minds.

An early action is requested.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

CITU leader condemns ‘anti-labour’ govt. policies

The labour unions have called for a general strike throughout the country on September 2 opposing the “anti-labour, anti-poor, anti-farmer” policies of the Union and State governments.
Addressing a press conference here on Wednesday, district president of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), Syed Mujeeb, alleged that the Union government is adopting anti-labour policies by making Provident Fund and ESI optional and investing 5-10 per cent of the PF amount of the labourers in the share market. The Union government has already taken a decision to invest Rs.6,000 crore of the labourers’ money in the share market and has started the process, he alleged.
He said instead of making ESI mandatory, the government is encouraging the labourers to take insurance policies from private companies only for the benefit of private companies and not the labourers.
He demanded that the Union government withdraw the land acquisition ordinance and implement the recommendations of the Swaminathan panel report to help the farmers so that they get scientific price for their agricultural produce.
District general secretary of AITUC (All India Trade Union Congress), Girish, said that all 11 labour unions are participating in the general strike including the employees of KSRTC, BSNL, banks, LIC and Postal department, anganwadi workers, and mid-day meal workers.
He said that their demands include controlling the price rise of essential commodities, generating employment, abolishing the contract system of employment, and an universal public distribution system.
Leaders of labour unions N.K. Subramanya, V. Chinnappa, S. Raghavendra, Kantharaju and others were present
Source :

Commemorative Postage stamp on 'Samrat Ashoka'

Department of Posts has brought out a commemorative Postage stamp on 'Samrat Ashoka' , which was released by the hon'ble Minister for Communications and IT, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad at a function held at Vidyapati Bhavan in Patna on 24th August 2015.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Cabinet clears four-month extension to 7th Central Pay Commission

| Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Union Cabinet today cleared a four-month extension to the term of the 7th Central Pay Commission today.

Set up by the UPA government in February 2014, the 7th Central Pay Commission was to make its recommendations within 18 months. Its term would have expired on August 27.

“In view of its volume of work and intensive stake-holders’ consultations, the 7th Central Pay Commission had made a request to the Government for a four month extension up to December 31, 2015,” a government statement said.

Constituted almost every 10 years, the Pay Commission’s main task is to revise the pay scale of its employees. The recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission—slated to come into effect from January 1, 2016, would impact around 48 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners.

The Commission has already completed discussions with various stakeholders, including organisations, federations, groups representing civil employees as well as Defence services and is in the process of finalising its recommendations.

Source : The Indian Express

7th CPC will submit its report by September end :Justice A K Mathur

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K.
Mathur, Former Judge
Seventh Central pay panel to submit report next month
PTI New Delhi, Aug 25:

Seventh Pay Commission set up by the government to revise pay scales of central government employees will submit its report by September end, said its Chairman Justice A K Mathur here today.

The Commission, which was set up by the UPA government in February 2014 to revise remuneration of about 48 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners, was required to submit its report by August end.

“The Commission will submit its report by the end of September” Justice Mathur told PTI.

The government constitutes pay commission almost every ten years to revise the pay scales of its employees and often these are adopted by states after some modification.

The Commission has already completed discussions with various stakeholders including organisations, federations, and groups representing civil employees as well as Defence Services.

It is now in the process of finalising its recommendations.

The recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission are scheduled to come into effect from January 1, 2016.

The other members of the Commission are Vivel Rae, Rathin Roy and its secretary Meena Agarwal.

The Sixth Pay Commission was implemented with effect from January 1, 2006, the fifth from January 1, 1996 and the fourth from January 1, 1986.

Read at: The Hindu

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Draf Regulations for Retirement Advisers – PFRDA


Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority is in the process of drafting regulations for Retirement Advisers. Towards this end, the Authority has prepared a Concept Note which is being placed on the website of PFRDA for Stakeholders and public comments.

Concept Note on Introduction of Retirement Adviser

The detailed note under various subject headlines are…

1. Background
2. Retirement Planning
3. Retirement Adviser
4. Scope of Work of Retirement Adviser
5. Eligibility for Retirement Adviser
6. Application for Registration
7. Registration Fee
8. Exemption from registration and Certification
9. Period and Validity of Registration
10. Renewal of Registration
11. Suspension and Cancellation of Certificate of Registration
12. General Responsibilities and Obligations
13. Maintenance of records
14. Segregation of execution services
15. Appointment of Compliance Officer
16. Fees to be charged by the Retirement Adviser
17. Grievance Redressal
18. Penal provisions

For more details click here…