Monday, 31 May 2021
Saturday, 29 May 2021
Many times, when interacting with some officers, we used to hear that the efficiency has gone down and the Post office staff did not render better service to the customers/Citizens. The mind set of such Bureaucrats without analyzing the facts and reasons make them to fix the entire responsibilities of the field staff. Will it be right and fair?
Efficiency is not a phenomenon than can be obtained by subjective desires or by facts of discipline. Efficiency is directly related to many factors that operate within the services and without. These factors have to be identified and understood.
The primary factors are the personnel, tools and the system. Other vital factors are the policy and the management. Is there any introspection in the past to review the impracticable policy and instructions issued earlier? Is there any review on the mismanagement in the past? The decentralization of RD/MIS is the standing example of the wrong decision and no one cares on pairing of SB/RD which ruined the entire SB system becoming unrecoverable at any point of time.
The abrupt closure of post offices, curtailment of deliveries, abolition of sorting sections and transit mail offices result in delay in delivery of mails; causes inconvenience to the public. Anyone in the higher echelon ever thinks about the decisions which ruined the postal services or try to undo such wrong decisions. The mismanagement and the wrong decisions based on the individuals at the helm of affairs without having a foresight of the future had spoiled the services for which how the poor officials working at the base will be responsible?
The continuous ban since 1983 and abrupt abolition of posts under the banner of the screening committee without any scientific norms had resulted in the employees overburdened which is the main cause of the downward trend of efficiency at field levels. Whether anyone is worried about the overburden of work prevailing at base level and the sufferings of the employees who forget laugh, cheers, family and even everything of his life over one decade due to unbearable work brunt in the post offices.
The Postal Board should understand that there can be a study and purposeful dialogue with staff side and decisions after discussions at appropriate levels to ensure that the efficiency in the services is improved/ maintained. Whether any such study was carried out in the past? Whether the staff side has been taken into confidence while taking decisions on important issues? Nowadays, even on staff related matters, there are no proper discussions and information
Unless the following ten areas are not properly studied and arrive decisions consensually the efficiency in service could not be improved.
1. Simplifying the procedures
2. Ensuring decisions within a stipulated time
3. Providing full complement of staff by removing the ban on creation
4. Adequate training to handle the job
5. Reviewing the policy of recruitment frequently & select the right persons and exploring the frequent cadre reviews to promote enthusiasm among the employees.
6. Avoiding frictions and strains between the Management and the employees unions by frequent discussions and mutual appreciation of the problems & issues having mutual faith
7. Restrict transfers and dislocation to the minimum.
8. Involve the workers in the decision making at all levels
9. Providing amenities like housing, conveyance better working conditions etc to employees at work place.
10. Extend more promotional avenues and ensure extra remuneration for the excess work.
Satisfied employees could alone render satisfied results. The workers should be allowed to work peacefully, fearlessly and in a good atmosphere and friendly environment instead of chasing them on flimsy reasons and punishing them under contributory factors duly ridiculing their sincerity, honesty, devotion and their commitment for the improvement of the services.
Will it reach to the ears of the Postal Board?
(Bhartiya Post Editorial March 2009)
Friday, 28 May 2021
SAD NEWS- Sri Raghunath Mahalik, SPM, Soro Bazar SO
SAD NEWS- Sri Raghunath Mahalik, SPM, Soro Bazar SO expired on 27.05.2021 due to Oral Cancer
Sri Raghunath Mahalik, 57 , SPM Soro Bazar SO under Balasore Division who was under treatment initially in Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar for oral cancer and subsequently shifted to Balasore District Headquarters Hospital breathed his last at about 11PM on 27.05.2021.
Sri Mahalik is left by his wife Smt. Rajanirani Mahalik, 51, daughter Rojalin Mahalik, 27, Rutupriya Mahalik, 24 and son Rudra Narayan Mahalik, 18.
Deeply shocked, we on behalf of AIPEU Postmen and MTS Odisha Circle pay our respectful homage and convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members.
May Lord Jagannath shower His unending blessings over the bereaved family members to bear with this irreparable loss.
The divine soul may rest in peace.
LEAVE RULES - Article from Sri. K.V.Sridharan
Leave - General
● Maximum Leave that can be availed continuously is 5 years.
● Conversion of leave is applicable only within 30 days from the date of return from leave.
● No conversion of leave after retirement.
● Fitness certificate need not be obtained from the same doctor who issued medical certificate.
● No EL can be rejected to those having five years of service for superannuation.
● Availability of EL has no bearing on sanction of LND.
● Maternity leave will be treated as qualifying service.
● Leave sanctioning authority should not alter the nature of leave applied.
● Employees with disabilities entitled 4 additional casual leave.
● HSG-I official is competent to relieve officials up to three days leave.
● Separate permission is not necessary for leaving the station if the leave address is indicated in the leave application.
● Leave sanctioning authority can commute retrospectively periods of absence without leave in to EOL.
● Absence from duty after expiry of leave is debited to HPL account and liable for disciplinary action.
● Return to duty before expiry of leave requires permission.
● Leave not to be granted to those on suspension, likely to be dismissed/removed/ compulsorily retired.
● Any claim to encash the leave at credit losses from the date of issue of dismissal/ removal/ resignation-exception Rule – 39.
● Kinds of leave:
EL, HPL, Commuted Leave, LND, EOL
● Special kinds of leave: Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Child adoption Leave, Child Care Leave, Work Related illness and injury Leave, Casual Leave.
Casual Leave
● Casual leave entitled - 8 days in a calendar year.
● Joined in the middle of the year - Discretion to grant full 8 days or proportionate days.
● CL cannot be combined with any other kind of leave.
● CL can be taken for 1/2 day also.
● Normally, it shall not be granted more than 5 days at one time.
Earned Leave
● 15 days will be credited on 1st Jan and 1st July every year in advance.
● Credit to be given is reduced by 1/10th EOL+NQS of previous half year subject to maximum of credit given.
● Maximum 300 days: If advance credit results in 300+, the same is kept separately for set off against leave availed in that half year; any balance not availed is lapsed.
● Procedure of 300+ is not applicable to credit of unavailed Joining Time.
● Credit in any half year will be at the rate of 2 1/2 days of full calendar month of service on account of appointment/cessation of service.
● Maximum EL that may be granted is 180 days at any one time. Exception exists.
Half Pay Leave
● 10 days in advance every year on 1st Jan and 1st July.
● Credit is reduced by 1/18th of dies non (including suspension treated as non duty) of previous half year subject to maximum of credit given.
● Credit in any half year will be at the rate of 5/3 days each completed
calendar month of service on account of appointment/ cessation of service.
● Double the commuted leave availed is debited against HPL account.
● LND and over stayal of leave are also debited to HPL account.
Commuted Leave
● Can be availed only on health grounds on production of medical certificate.
● Exceptions:
(a) Maximum of 180 days in the entire service for an approved course of study. (b) Maximum of 60days in continuation of Maternity Leave.
(C) Maximum of 60days granted for adoption of child.
● If retires voluntarily in continuation of commuted leave without returning to duty, the same is treated as HPL and excess paid leave salary is recovered (not applicable to invalid retirement or in death cases) LND and EOL
● Sanctioned when no HPL is at credit. It shall be debited in HPL account.
● Granted only on Medical Certificate.
● Maximum360 days in the entire service.
● Un adjusted (-) balance in the HPL account is liable for recovery on resignation and retirement- exception invalid retirement, death or compulsory retirement.
● If retired or resigned during LND, it shall be cancelled and leave salary recovered.
● EOL entails no leave salary.
Maternity Leave
● Admissible to female government servant with less than two surviving children.
● 180 days from the date of commencement.
● Leave of any kind due and admissible up to two years may be sanctioned in continuation of maternity leave.
● For miscarriage and abortion 45 days in the entire service. No restriction in the number of children.
Child Care Leave
● Admissible for female government servants for taking care of up to two children up to the age of 18 years and for disabled children with 40% irrespective of the age.
● 730 days in the entire service. For first 365 days Full pay, after that - 80 % pay.
● CCL may also be allowed for the third year as LND without production of medical certificate.
● Requires prior sanction
● Intervening holidays are part of leave like EL
● Not to be granted in more than three spells in a calendar year. 6 times in case of single female parent.
● Not to be granted for less than 5 days in one spell
● CCL is now eligible for single male parent (widower)
Paternity Leave
● Admissible to male Government servant of 15 days during the wife confinement.
● To be applied up to 15 days before or up to 6 months from the date of delivery.
● Not to be refused normally under any circumstances.
Work Related illness and injury leave.
● All employees disabled by injury intentionally or accidentally inflicted or caused in or in consequence of due performance of duties/official position.
● Disabled by illness caused by the performance of any duty which has the effect of increasing disability to illness beyond the ordinary risk attracting to the post for this if certified by AMA. Period of leave can be availed not exceeding 24 months.
● For the entire period of hospitalization - Full pay.
● Beyond that 6 months immediate - Full pay.
● After 6 months for further 12 months - Half pay. (It can be commuted)
● No ELor HPLshall be credited during the period of ‘ WRILL’.
Child Adoption Leave
● Admissible for female Government servants with less than two surviving children.
● For valid adoption of a child below the age of one year.
● 180 days immediately after the date of valid adoption.
● In continuation, leave of any kind may be granted up to one year reduced by the age of adopted child on the date of valid adoption, without taking in to account CAL.
Leave – You Must Know
● M. C. can be submitted within 2 days. But intimation must be given.
● Child Care Leave can be availed if EL is at credit.
● Spinster or widow is entitled for Maternity Leave.
● LND can be granted even EL is at credit.
● No commutation of HPL for encashment of Leave salary.
● Encashment of HPL is admissible to make up for short fall of EL subject to maximum of 300 days.
● Encashment of EL is available for Home Town LTC also.
● Encashment of EL is not admissible on dismissal/removal.
● For calculation of Special CL for undergoing Family planning, intervening holidays should be ignored.
● EOL in connection of Maternity Leave without medical certificate is not treated as qualifying service for increment/pension.
● Except CL, no other kind of Leave can be granted for half day.
● Entitlement of full period of Maternity Leave is not related to the death of the new born child.
● An official can write Departmental exam while on leave.
Thanks to Mr. K.V.Sridharan, Ex General Secretary, AIPEU Group C
Provision for getting 4 lakh from Central Government for the death due to Covid-19
Provision for getting 4 lakh from Central Government for the death due to Covid-19

Download PDF (6 pages
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Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Attendance of Central Government officials regarding
Letter to Secretary, DOP - regarding Extension of Departmental facilities and Conferences at all levels
Letter to Secretary, DOP - regarding Extension of Departmental facilities and Conferences at all levels
Thursday, 27 May 2021
Fixation of Pay
● On promotion, one increment shall be given in the Level from which the employee is promoted and he shall be placed at a Cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the Level of the promoted post and if not at the next higher Cell.
● An employee promoted between 1.1.2016 and 25.7.2016 can opt to switch over from the date of such promotion/upgradation.
● With effect from 1.1.2016, there shall be two dates of increment namely1st January or 1st July depending upon the date of his appointment/ promotion/ financial upgradation.
● The option once exercised while accepting promotion is final.
● A Govt. servant promoted/appointed and who has joined the post on the first working day of the year due to Sunday or a holiday on 01.01, is deemed to have completed 6 months on 01.07.
● Broken spells of adhoc promotion shall be added for fixation and increments as per Rule 10 and FR 26.5
● Family Planning Allowance has been withdrawn after the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations.
Stepping up of Pay
● Conditions
(I) Both senior & junior must be in the same cadre in identical pay & in the same recruiting unit.
(ii) Posts promoted must be identical and same.
(iii) Senior must be getting more or equal pay at the time of promotion.
(iv) Direct result of application of FR 22 (c)
● Stepping up can be claimed with Direct recruits in case of promotees.
● Senior promotees can claim at par with direct recruits if their training period is counted.
● Second time can be allowed only if the same junior stepped up his pay with another person (only with same person)
● Under FR 24 an increment shall ordinarily be drawn, unless it is withheld. The word ordinarily signifies that the official becomes entitled to the increment. Conditions attached to drawal of increment as a service accruing during leave will be drawn from the date of return.
● No effect due to Dies-non, EXOL without MC etc. up to six months.
● If no qualifying service of six months, no increment. Will get next increment in next July only.
● Training period of Direct recruits will be taken for increment.
● Withhold increments will be restored from the date of penalty ceases.
Periods which count for increment
(a) duty
(b) pre induction training
(c) all kinds of leave except EOL(but on MC allowed)
(d) service in other post carrying less pay
(e) Joining time
Events affecting drawal of increments
● Reduction to lower service, grade or post or lower time scale.
● Mandatory: Date of effect, the period of penalty, (if it is for specified period), the extent to which the period will operate to postpone future increments, the initial pay on reduction.
Regulation of pay after the punishment.
● If the reduction shall not operate to postpone future increment (or is silent) on restoration the employee will be entitled to the pay he would have drawn.
● If the reduction operates to postpone future increments for any specified period, such period shall be excluded.
● Increment falling due during maternity leave will be drawn only on date of joining after expiry of leave.
● Increment falling during casual leave has to be drawn.
● Amount of increment should be rounded off to the next multiple of 10. Officiating Pay & Option
● 14 days & above – officiating pay will be drawn.
● If first spell is 10 days and the subsequent spell is of 10 days, both shall be combined & officiating pay shall be drawn for the entire period.
● Officiating pay is entitled as per the promotional next hierarchical Level pay.
● Whenever any changes in rules, a revised option for pay fixation is allowed within one month.
● Option for pay fixation on promotion shall be given within one month
Thanks to Mr. K.V.Sridharan, Ex General Secretary, AIPEU Group C