Sub: Forthcoming agitational programmes by NFPE
Ref.-NFPE Circular No. PF -1 (e) / 2021, Dated 18.09.2021
Dear Comrades,
This has a reference to the revised circular issued by NFPE under reference and our letter dated 18.09.2021 on the above subject.
On behalf of NFPE, we sincerely express our gratitude to all those Divisional / Circle Secretaries and participating members for conducting the demonstration programme successfully on 24.09.2021 in front of Divisional Offices demanding withdrawal of draconian orders issued by the Department of Posts under letter F No. 18-01/2017-SR, dated 15.09.2021.
Now the 2nd phase programme for eMail and Post Card campaign starts from 28th to 30th September, 2021 for which a sample letter is posted below that has already been sent to all concerned as directed by NFPE.
You are requested to motivate our members to send as many eMails/Post cards as possible within 30th Septemeber, 2021 in the given addresses.
All are once again requested to realize the gravity of the situation. It is after all a question of existence of the Union which has been protecting us throughout and given us all the benfits we are enjoying as the Central Govt. employees.
Please rise to the occasion and protect the interests of the Union to protect your hard earned benefits conducting the following programmes.
With struggle greetings.
Attached: As above
Comradely yours,

(BruhaspatiSamal) Chairman
NFPE, Odisha State CoC
- The Cabinet Secretary
Govt. of India, Rastrapati Bhawan New Delhi – 110 004 (
- The Secretary
Department of Personnel & Training Ministry of Personnel, P G and Pensions Government of India North Block, New Delhi -110 001
- The Secretary
Department of Posts Dak Bhawan New Delhi – 110 001 (
Sub:-Letter campaign programme at the call of the NFPE
Respected Sir,
It is noted that several restrictions have been imposed on the composition and functioning of the service unions in our department through a draconian order having F No. 18-01/2017-SR, dated 15th September, 2021 followed by DoPT OM F No. 11013/1/2016-Estt-AIII, dated 27th February, 2020 which has paved to undue and undemocratic interference of administration inside the organization.
As such, since the order is not conductive to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the Department, it is requested to withdraw the order unconditionally.
With regards.
Bruhaspati Samal Circle Secretary All India Postal Employees Union, Gr-C Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751007
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