All India strike campaign committee meeting held in Odisha at BBSR GPO recreation club at evening on 27.12.2019 to make 8th January 2020 nation wide strike a grand success in Odisha organised by Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers, odisha state committee with full co operation of AIPEU,BBSR postal DN.The All India leaders Com.Vrigu Bhattacharjee,Com D B Mohanty and Com Janardhan Mazumdar attended the meeting on behalf of Confederation CHQr. Com M M Samal President of the state CoC and Com Bruhaspati Samal, chair man of the NFPE CoC Odisha presided over the meeting. Com R N Dhal State General Secretary initiated the meeting and briefed on the issues confronting to the people, country,and common workers and shortly discussed about the charter of demands of the CTUs and Confederation as well. Man
y organisations of the central government stationed at BBSR with the leaders and rank and file members attended . But participation of NFPECOC was maximum with the leadership.About 120 members attended in the meeting .The Divisional secretaries of BBSR DN made all arrangements and are praised worthy.A Press statement was released for the purpose by the state general secretary.It was unanimously decided to make the strike in Odisha on 8 th January 2020 a thundering success against the Anti workers policy, Anti people's policy and Anti nation policies of the p BJP led Union government. R N Dhal State General Secretary,. CCGEWCoC, odisha. 

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