Tuesday 22 September 2015


1.   The after effects of the recession that devastated the economy of the capitalist countries are still looming large over their head and there is no immediate sign of recovery, even though the pro-capitalist economists and heads of the developed nations are claiming to the contrary. The financial and industrial sectors of these countries are reeling under the negative impacts of recession.  Unemployment is growing like anything.  The bailout packages and other short and long term measures taken has only helped the trans-national corporations to survive, but the plight of the workers and common man is becoming more and more miserable.  Cuts in employment and social security measures have further aggravated the situation. The economies of the countries which are pursuing a pro-socialist and anti-globalization policy are comparatively less affected and are poised for rapid economic growth.  The resistance against the ill-effects of the neo-liberal globalization policies is gaining momentum all over the world.  Workers went on strike and common people of those countries are also coming out to the street in large numbers protesting against these policies.  This 2nd All India Conference of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) extend full solidarity and support to the struggles conducted by the workers and other toiling masses all over the world and pledge to be a part and parcel of this struggle.

2.   In our country, the NDA Govt. is virtually toeing the US line and is going ahead with the neo-liberal agenda.  Steep rise in prices of essential commodities, disbanding of public distribution system, disinvestment of public sector, introduction of casual and contract labour system,  decision to allow 51% FDI in multi-brand retail trade, hectic persuasion to get major financial sector related bills on pension privatisation, banking and insurance sector, the game plan for privatisation of vital infrastructural and public utility services, the so-called private-public partnership in almost every sector, the repeated hike in prices of petroleum products are glaring examples of this policy. Struggle and strikes are taking place in every sector against the neo-liberal reforms and also against the anti-worker, anti-people policies of the Govt.  The entire working class of India under the banner of United Platform of Mass Organizations is spearheading the struggle against these policies.  In the coming days, the struggle will be further intensified.  The Postal employees under the banner of National Federation of Postal Employees have participated in all the national strikes organized by the Central Trade Unions. This 2nd AIC of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) congratulates the workers and employees who participated in the united struggle of the working class and we shall continue our struggle and shall always identify ourselves with the mainstream of the working class.

3.   Along with the Central Govt. Employees GDS are also the victims of the neo-liberal economic policies pursued by the Central Govt. from 1991 onwards.  During the last twenty years more than 60,000 posts are abolished.  Further thousands of posts are lying vacant in our cadre. Even the workload is increased with the introduction of many BD activities and Schemes in BOs after modernization and computerization Govt & Department is still under dilemma to departmentalize the BOs and regularize the GDS.  Further sticking on to the GDS Conduct and Engagements Rules to kept GDS as bonded labour. Social security schemes converted under GDS CWF Scheme with our contribution.  Statutory pension scheme is given a go-bye.  Instead Service Discharge Benefit Scheme with the modalities of NPS (lite) is introduced with our monthly contribution.  2.60 lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks are denied of their legitimate rights.  Even compassionate appointments are denied, imposing arbitrary restrictions.  Bonus ceiling not yet raised.  Merger of 50% D.A. with pay, Interim Relief, inclusion of GDS under 7th CPC stands rejected by Govt. This 2nd AIC of AIPEU GDS (NFPE), while saluting the Central Govt. Employees, particularly Postal employees, for their participation in all agitational programmes calls upon the Postal JCA for GDS to carry forward the struggle till the demands are met by the Government, and reversion of the policy of down-sizing, outsourcing, contractorisation and privatisation.

4.   In the Postal sector the Government want to implement the Task Force Report which aims to corporatize the Postal Services by dividing the existing service sector into six and make five corporations and leave the letter delivery services as the Government Services. This is nothing but to privatise the Postal in the future by entering PPP and FDI in the Postal Communication sector and granting licenses to the multi-national courier services.  Government wants to close down post offices in the name of loss.  Posts are abolished without any justification.  Workload has increased but new posts are not created and combination of duties is increased.  The National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) has taken initiative to organise agitational programmes and mobilise the employees for action including indefinite strike and as a result the Postal Administration was compelled to stop their move with the intervention of the Minister and the strike is deferred with the assurance of the Govt. 

5.   The Government is reluctant to settle the issues relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks and casual labourers and in particular in remitting their cases for consideration by the Seventh Pay Commission. 

6.   This AIC affirms that our Union will stand with the NFPE and all its affiliated unions by all means for the emancipation of our cadre. This AIC demand the Government to consider the demand of remitting GDS causes to the Seventh Pay Commission. This Union is committed for the cause of GDS and appeals the entire circle and divisional secretaries of all NFPE affiliated unions to form the GDS divisional branches in all the circles which are the firm commitment of ours as a policy. Only through a united struggle of the entire Postal employees the policy offensives of the Govt. can be resisted and also the pending issues of the Postal employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks can be settled.  This 2nd AIC of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) appreciates the positive steps taken by NFPE & Confederation and also NJCM in strengthening the unity of the Postal employees and also for making sustained efforts for settling the sectional demands of the Postal employees including GDS.  This conference further calls upon NFPE to chalk-out agitational programmes in a phased manner for realisation of the pending demands of GDS.

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